What Opportunities Are There For You In The New Year?

Happy New Year!  In this new year, you are encouraged to embrace a proactive mindset and actively seek out opportunities that come your way.  Opportunities won't come knocking on our doors if we are merely spectators of life. Remember the immortal words of Andy from the movie Shawshank Redemption, "I guess it comes down to …

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Who Are The Teachers That Shaped Your Life?

During this time of Thanksgiving, it is important to remember all the things we have to be grateful for. While we may focus on things like being grateful for good health, family, friends, jobs, cars, home, food, water, electricity, and material possessions, it is also important to recognize and appreciate the role that teachers play …

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God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle – quotes that are not in the Bible

Really?  Do you really think this quote is true?  If you’ve read the Bible, you know you won’t find this sentiment anywhere. The reality of life is that it can throw us more challenges than we ever thought possible. Unexpected circumstances can emerge out of nowhere, leaving us feeling overwhelmed, helpless, and even desperate. The …

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Easy Mediterranean Shrimp Pasta

We are all busy, running in different directions, and sometimes we need a delicious dinner idea that's both speedy and wholesome. Delight your taste buds with this mouthwatering Mediterranean Shrimp pasta! Bursting with vibrant colors and irresistible flavors from the likes of broccoli, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, and parmesan cheese, it promises to be both filling …

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Does God Want You to Be Happy?

The answer is yes, but there’s more to it.  Let’s explore. What does happiness mean?.  We should start by defining “happiness.  Merriam Webster’s dictionary defines happiness as:  good fortune: PROSPERITY but also as a state of well-being and contentment: JOY.   We’ll look at Prosperity and Joy, one at a time. PROSPERITY Throughout my childhood, I …

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